Bee Well Life Corporation

Bee Well Life Corporation is a Natural Health Clinic located in Roswell, Georgia that is owned and operated by Stacey Fabian.

Services we Offer


When you expose your skin to red light, a part of your cells called the mitochondria, or the “powerhouse” of your cells, soak it up and make more energy, also known as ATP (adenosine triphosphate). By increasing the function of the mitochondria using RLT, a cell can make more ATP. With more energy, cells can function more efficiently, rejuvenate themselves and repair damage.


A quiet setting, a comfortable position, an open attitude – you are a mere three steps from tranquility. So sit back, quiet your mind and allow the innovative ideas buried within you to unravel.


While holding electrodes, a microamp current is sent though the body’s meridian pathways and is captured through data access points on the hands. (The meridians, or energetic pathways, create a network through which we can access the functional status of your body. The existence of these data access points and energetic pathways have been validated using radioactive isotope imaging).

Get started with Bee Well Life, today.